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-> Boilers/heated liquids/Industrial tanks:Liquefied - Ammonia, Petrochemicals, E.O, Boiler Water, Pesticides, Hot Oils, Solvents, Acids, Etc.
Liquid Level moves in a side mounted gauge body made of steel rod. Level is seen through toughened glass plates, clamped on the window by nut-bolts, gasket and steel cover plates.
Transparent Version - L9 : Liquid is directly visible through bilateral glasses.
Reflex Version - L10:The level is visible as bright and dark band through the glass with prismatic serrations.
MOC:CS, SS, Forging/Barstock
Range:Upto 3000 mm - Single Piece
Operational Pressures: Absolute Vacuum to 150 bar
Operational Temperature:-50 to 300oC Max
Extremely Rugged and Safe
Very High Pressure upto 150 Bar
Corrosion resistant and light weight FRP Gaurd
Borosil Soda Silicate glasses
Non-Frost Extension
Ex-proof Illuminator
Alloy Steel/CS hardware
Low/High/Very High pressure Designs
Standard/Large Chamber