- +(91) 022 6724 8787
- +(91) 07400233545 (Whatsapp)
- [email protected]
- Mon - Sat 8:00 - 17:30, Sunday - CLOSED
-> Liquefied Gases:Ammonia, Chlorine, LPG, Propane, C4-Cut, AHF, EO, Ethylene, Pesticides, Petrochemicals, Hot Oils, Fatty Acids, Acids, Alkalies, Brine, Water, Interface etc.
Change in liquid level causes proportionate loss of weight of Displacer. The resulting small movement on its tip, is converted into rotation by an external magnetic fork, giving 4-20 mA output.
Range:Upto 6 Meters
Operational Pressures: Abs. Vacuum to 100 Bar
Operational Temperature:-50 to 300oC Max
Rugged, power independent mechanical display
Unaffected by vapor, pressure, temperature, or dielectric
Intrinsically safe to IS-5780-Gr. IIC, EEx ia IICT4
LCD or Mechanical Display